Wednesday 6 February 2008

Prados Azules

Prados Azules, Spanish for Blue Meadows, is a sim I stumbled upon in my usual random fashion. Scanning the map, I saw this intriguingly blue sim, so popped in for a look.

There's not much to tell really. The sim reminds me of a kid's TV programme, with blue grass and trees, and a bold, simple green path that meanders across the sim. Overhead there's a giant rainbow, and in the middle of the sim sits a huge, old-fashioned TV and remote control. Behind the TV is a hill - and on the far side of the hill is a bunch of smiley-faced colour cubes. The end.

But what's it all about? To be completely honest, I'm not too sure - but I do know it is used for hosting streamed music events. For example, this Moebius Surfing site tells us about a Second Life club gig (D.R.O.I.D) to be held at Trinity, in Bristol, UK and Prados Azules on 23rd February.

As the blurb says: "D.R.O.I.D will take place simultaneously in the digitised world of Second Life, and as a consequence of this, across the known world. The line-up at the Trinity will be streamed live into Second Life, where avatars will be able to enjoy the sights and sounds of the night. At the Trinity huge suspended, back-projected screens will show the audience the virtual world of Second Life. There will also interaction in the hall to allow participants to hit the dancefloor in the virtual domain." You can find out more about the concept here. Incidentally, for a lineup that includes Luke Vibert, the entrance fee of just 6 quid seems like an amazing bargain.

Looks like I may need to dust off my white tie'n'tails and polish my tap shoes.

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